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Papers by F. Udina

A dynamic and expandable Digital 3D-Atlas MAKER for monitoring the temporal changes in tissue growth during hindbrain morphogenesis Matthias Blanc, Giovanni Dalmasso, Frederic Udina, Cristina Pujades (eLife 2022) eLife 11:e78300, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.78300

The neurogenic fate of the hindbrain boundaries relies on Notch3-dependent asymmetric cell divisions Covadonga F Hevia, Carolyn Engel-Pizcueta, Frederic Udina, and Cristina Pujades (Cell Reports 2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110915

Truncated lognormal distributions and scaling in the size of naturally defined population clusters A. Corral, F. Udina and E. Arcaute (2020). Physical Review E, (Vol, 101, No. 4) link to paper. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.101.042312.

High-dimensional random geometric graphs and their clique number. L. Devroye, A. György, G. Lugosi, and F. Udina (2011). Electronic Journal of Probability, 16:2481-2508. link to paper

Clonal Analysis in Mice Underlines the Importance of Rhombomeric Boundaries in Cell Movement Restriction during Hindbrain Segmentation Eva Jimenez-Guri, Frederic Udina, Jean-François Colas, James Sharpe, Laura Padrón-Barthe, Miguel Torres, Cristina Pujades. PLoS ONE 5(4): e10112. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010112, published 12 Apr 2010. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0010112

Nonparametric nearest neighbor based empirical portfolio selection strategies. (PDF), L. Gyorfi, F. Udina and Harro Walk (2008), Statistics and Decisions, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp 145-157, 2008.

Environmental versus Human-Induced Scarcity in the Commons: Do They Trigger the Same Response? N. Osés-Eraso, Frederic Udina, and M. Viladrich-Grau, Environmental and Resource Economics., Volume 40, Number 4, pp 529-550 / August, 2008

Experiments on universal portfolio selection using data from real markets (PDF), L. Gyorfi, F. Udina and Harro Walk (2007)

Nonparametric kernel-based sequential investment strategies. (PDF), (POSTSCRIPT), L. Gyorfi, G. Lugosi, and F. Udina (2006), Mathematical Finance. Vol. 16, No. 2 (April 2006), 337--357

Interactive Biplot Construction, Frederic Udina,(2005) Journal of Statistical Software, 13.5, . URL: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v13/i05/

Special Volume: Lisp-Stat, Past, Present and Future , Pedro Valero-Mora and Frederic Udina, Guest Editors (2005) Journal of Statistical Software, 13, . URL: http://www.jstatsoft.org/index.php?vol=13

Estimating parliamentary composition through electoral polls by F. Udina and Pedro Delicado (2005) J. R. Statist. Soc. A , 168, Part 2, pp. 387--399. Complete version: postscript copy, pdf copy.
Previously published in Economics Working Papers Series, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Abstract and pdf copy.
An Excel worksheet to easy and visual computation of seat apportionment by the d'Hondt rule.

¿Cómo y cuánto fallan los sondeos electorales? by Pedro Delicado and F. Udina (published in Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 96/2001, pp. 123--150). postscript copy. pdf copy.

Fast bandwidth selection for generalized local linear models by F. Udina, Unpublished. Gzipped postscript Draft copy..

Implementing interactive computing in an object-oriented environment by F. Udina (2000), Journal of Statistical Software 5.3, 1-10. URL: http://www.jstatsoft.org/v05/i03/
Previously published in Economics Working Papers Series, U. Pompeu Fabra. Abstract and postscript copy. Gzipped postscript copy., PDF copy..

Inequalities for a new data-based method for selecting nonparametric density estimates by L. Devroye, G. Lugosi, and F. Udina (2000), in M.L. Puri (editor), Asymptotics in Statistics and Probability. Papers in Honor of George Gregory Roussas., VSP International Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 2000, in press.
Previously published in Economics Working Papers Series, U. Pompeu Fabra. Abstract and postscript copy. (Submitted for publication).

Interactive local bandwidth choice by J. S. Marron and F. Udina published in Statistics and Computing (1999), 9, 101--110.
A previous version was published in the Economics Working Papers Series (n. 109) Abstract and postscript copy of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
The latest postscript version
is available.

Measuring the stability of histogram appearance when the anchor position is changed by J. S. Simonoff and F. Udina. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 23 (1997) 335-353.
A postscript version is available.
Some related software is available too.

Comment to Luc Devroye's Universal smoothing factor selection in density estimation: theory and practice by F. Udina, Test , 6, December 1997, 310--316. Gzipped postscript copy.

High quality graphics from LISP-STAT by Jan De Leeuw and Frederic Udina. It presents a mechanism to produce publishing quality graphics by translating LISP-STAT internal representation of graphics to a series of GnuPlot commands (Gnuplot is a public domain graphics maker program running in most platforms).
A postscript version of the paper is available here and in UCLA-Stat server.
Lisp programs needed to do the job are also available here and in UCLA Stat server.
Windows and DOS versions of Gnuplot are stored in our server. A good Mac version (with translation to german, french, catalan and other european languages can be found here .
You may find these and other Gnuplot versions in most public domain software servers in the world.

Interactive data transformation and parameter adjustment: a graphical interface tool . A first version was presented in a Workshop on Design and Implementation of Data Analysis Systems, Heidelberg, March 23-26, 1995.
The current draft is available.
In the same directory there are some lisp-stat programs to work with it.

Frederic Udina
frederic.udina at upf.edu